Subscription management

What happens when I redeem a new voucher while my Site has a valid subscription?

When you activate a voucher the current subscription will always end, and the new one will begin. The remaining part of the existing subscription will be added to the new subscription as specified in the voucher and a new end-date will be determined. If the new subscription allows for a larger number of users and/or IQs, a pro-rata calculation will be done to determine the new end-date.

Can I get the subscription history of a Site? 

The Subscription history for SALTO KS is not visible. If you would like to access this, please contact your local SALTO Tech Support.

Can I manually change a subscription? 

Subscriptions are only available as vouchers, which can be purchased via installers or your local business unit representative. You can redeem a voucher via Site > Subscription > Activate Voucher.

What happens when my Site’s subscription ends?

When subscription ends, the IQs are all set to "unsubscribed" status. This means that they will not respond to any lock requests and no changes to access rights can be done anymore. Offline Access credentials set on the locks (also based on the audit trail) will not be touched. When the subscription ends, the Site users are also set to “unsubscribed“, meaning they can’t perform openings or any actions on the site. There is one exception to this rule: an admin of the Site would be able to go to Site > Subscription in the menu to check and redeem a new voucher.

How will I know when my Site’s subscription is going to end?

If you are the Site’s owner or one of the Site admins you can navigate to Site > Subscription, where you can see the latest subscription’s expiration date. But don’t worry, if you are the Site's owner, we will send you an email reminder four weeks, one week and a day before the expiration date, so that you have enough time to get a new subscription.

One or more users from my Site are unsubscribed. However, the number of users in the Site still hasn’t reached the limit set by the current subscription. How can this happen?

Site owners and admins can subscribe or unsubscribe users manually. This allows them to choose how to use subscription slots. To subscribe a user you can go to the People page and toggle the value of the Subscription column.

Why can’t I mark a user “subscribed”?

In order to mark a user “subscribed” you have to have a role of Site Admin or Site Owner. There should be enough user slots in the current subscription (in order to check the current limit navigate to Site > Subscription). Last but not least, only users with valid access (remote access/tag/mobile key/pin) can be marked “subscribed” at the moment.

Subscriptions have a limit of IQs and Users. Is there also a limit of different keys a user can have?

No, we don’t impose such a limit in subscriptions. A user may have a Tag (physical key), a mobile key in their smartphone, and a PIN access code at the same time. Such users will occupy one slot in the subscription.

What if a new IQ/User is added to the Site while the active subscription doesn’t have available IQ/User slots left?

You will be able to add a new IQ/User to the Site. However, if there are no available subscription slots left they will be “unsubscribed”. For the IQ, this means that it will not respond to any lock requests and no changes to access rights can be done anymore. Offline Access credentials set on the locks (also based on the audit trail) will not be touched. For Users being “unsubscribed”, this means they can’t perform openings or any actions on the Site (except redeeming a new voucher for admin/owner role).

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