As the Owner of a SALTO KS Site, you have been in contact with a certified SALTO installer. This installer has mounted your IQ and lock(s), and set up the software, and then handed it over to you. It can very well be that you will be in contact with the installer again, to for example add new hardware to your Site. This requires the installer access, which will have to be granted manually.
These are the steps to do so:
At first glance, you will see that Installer Access is not granted.
3. Optionally check ‘Update my default installer’, and then click ‘Grant access’.
4. After a few seconds, a new block appears, displaying ‘Granted Access’. On top the necessary information is displayed for your installer. They can enter this in their tool and enter your Site.
5. Below that, the IQs the installer can work on, are displayed. By default none are enabled. To enable one of the IQs, click ‘Enable’.
6. A window appears, asking you to generate a Code for this IQ on your mobile device.
7. Launch the Mobile App, go to IQs, select the IQ, and tap ‘Get Code’. Note that you have to be logged in with the same account as you are currently using in the web interface.
8. Enter the code in the web application. 9. Now the installer will have access to this IQ, enabling him to make changes to it.
Installer Access is always a temporary status, revoking access after 24 hours. To directly revoke access, click the red ‘Revoke access’ button.