User Import Service is a feature that allows you, as a Site Admin, to import multiple users to a SALTO KS site in one go. For large sites, it can be a tedious process to add users manually. With this feature, you can import users simultaneously, guaranteed to improve the experience of inviting users to a site.
When adding users to a site, select the option ‘Import Users’ and upload a CSV file containing all relevant user information. First, download the template and enter the information for your users. Ensure that the CSV file is separated by commas with the following fields: First name, Last name, Email, Alias (optional), and User role. Optional fields must have their own column in the file, even if they are empty.
It might take a few minutes for the import process to complete and for the new users to appear in the table. If a user exists under the same site, the import will skip that user. Once completed, you will receive an email with an overview of the import process.
With User Import Service, a Site Admin can import up to 2MB of users, which can be roughly 40,000 users in one go.
When adding users, select the option ‘Import Users’ and upload a CSV file containing all relevant user information. First, download the template and add your users' information, ensuring commas separate the values. Sometimes, the file automatically saves, separated by semicolons (;). This will cause an upload error, so confirm it is comma-separated.
The file should contain the following fields: First name, Last name, Email, Alias (optional), and User role. Optional fields must have their own column in the file, even if empty.
Fill in all the fields (columns) of the CSV file to import users. Separate the CSV file by commas with the following fields: First name, Last name, Email, Alias (optional), and User role. Optional fields must have their own column in the file, even if empty.
When using the User Import Service, it might take a few minutes for the import process to complete and for the new users to appear in the table.
The Site Admin who made the request will receive an email informing them that the import is complete and notifying them how many users were imported.
If there were any failed imports, the email would also include an attachment listing the users that were not imported and why that happened (for instance, due to an invalid user role).
If the imported file were in an invalid format, they would also receive an email informing them that this was the reason the import failed.
The Tag will become Master Key if the user is a Site Owner of any site they are part of, and no user in the KS site can change that directly. If the user is no longer Site Owner of any site (after he transferred the ownership to another user), only then his Master Key can also be transferred. Alternatively, SALTO Systems support can help to remove the Master Key if necessary.
Only the Site Owner and Site Admins can enable the override privacy mode for each user. Once the Site Owner or Admin enables this, the users would be able to open the lock with a tag or digital key.
If the Site Owner or Admin wants to give the override privacy mode option only for an emergency situation for a short time, they can simply remove this option from their accounts after the user has managed to open the lock(s).
The escutcheon lock has a knob or button from the side, if it is twisted or pressed, the privacy mode will be enabled.
If the privacy mode has been engaged, in the website, the site admin can see below icon:
A normal valid user will be rejected, only the user with overwriting privacy mode permission can unlock the lock.
The privacy mode permission can only be enabled by the site owner. Below is an example of the user who has no override privacy mode checked, which means he cannot lock a lock that is in privacy mode.
In you site a user can have various user roles:
Site owner
Site admin
Super user
There is only one Owner for each site. The SALTO KS account is registered in this person's name. The details for the Owner are stored and can be found in “Site/Overview”. All of the authorizations are established by default: offline access and remote opening. The Owner can create/modify/delete site admin, super users and users. Only site owner can grant users with the permission to override privacy mode and receiving notification emails.
Site admin has the most permission as the owner, except revoking the site owner's access.
The site admin can create/modify/delete other site admin, super users and users, create/update/delete access groups, add/delete hardwares
This will require an e-mail address to be entered (needed for the login) and a telephone number (needed to receive the SMS for activating IQs).
This is a User who, in addition to being assigned a Tag or use of the app, will have access to an account at This will require an e-mail address to be entered (needed for the login) and a telephone number (needed to receive the SMS for configuring the PIN or alerts).
A super user can view but not modify the details for the Owner, or can create other super users and new app users or users with a Tag.
A user can be assigned with a tag, a pin code, digital keys and remote opening permission. The profile needs to be completed before getting digital key and for remote opening.
What are offline access
The Offline Access option allows a user to open the doors to which he or she has permissions defined, even when the IQ is offline or disconnected.
Where can I configure the offline access?
The configuration option can be located when you:
Step 1 Access the account via and go to the “People” section.
Step 2 Click the pencil icon in order to edit the profile.
Step 3 The option appears in the lower part of the profile.
"Master key" is a feature that allows offline access to locks that are (temporarily) not connected to the IQ or when the IQ cannot connect to our database. This can happen for a number of reasons, including a power outage that causes the IQ to switch off temporarily. A Master key is by no means a skeleton key (A skeleton key is a type of Master key in which the serrated edge has been filed down so that it can open numerous locks, most commonly the warded lock): it does not give the ability to the holder of the tag to open doors that the user is not authorized for. In case the lock cannot validate the tag and its access rights in the database, the lock will fall back on the 'Master key' validation which means that if the presented tag is a Master key and is included in an access group that has access to the lock the tag is presented to, the lock will validate the tag and provide access to the holder of the tag. Due to the storage capacity of a lock, and depending on the firmware of the lock this feature can be assigned to a maximum of 39 Users / Tags. Please note that Master keys have 24/7 accesses to a door if the lock falls back on the Master key validation, even if in the access group the access of that Tag is limited to a specific time frame. In other words: access groups do not apply to Master keys when the IQ has no connection to the lock or to our database.
A Master key can be assigned to user by editing the user in 'People' and checking the box 'Master key'.
If you enable the Remote Office Mode option, the Remote Opening functionality automatically gets enabled too. When you disable Remote Office Mode you can keep using the Remote Opening functionality or disable it as well.
If you are a Site super user you can enable or disable these options for basic users and other super users but not for Site admins.
Navigate to the ‘People’ tab on top of the page, pick a User, On the left side of the screen you can find the ‘Lock options’. Here you are able to manage the users capability of opening locks remotely and changing the mode of the lock.
No, there is no specific IQ version necessary to make use of both functionalities.
Yes, all locks support the Remote Office Mode and Remote Opening functionality. To pick a lock that suits your business take a look at
When a user gets Remote opening permission, he or she won’t automatically receive Remote Office Mode authorization. However, the other way around the user that receives Remote Office Mode authorization from their Site administrator, they automatically receive Remote Opening authorization.
When you need to give access to a certain unit for a period of time. For instance when you have suppliers come to your unit and they have to deliver the order inside and you are absent.
Remote Office Mode allows users to put a lock into ‘Office Mode’ using the app. This means the door is in an unlocked state until the Remote Office Mode gets disabled. You can be from anywhere in the world while you take this action.
Yes, you need to fill in your email address in order to use both functionalities.
The Near Detection Mode functionality avoids connection problems when two or more Wall-readers are mounted too close to each other. Before this new functionality, users could experience connectivity problems when trying to use the Digital Key or Tag to open this type of lock.
All BLE enabled Wall-readers are compatible. Pick a lock that suits your business on
The Near Detection Mode is especially helpful when you have a business where users need to interact with a door that has multiple Wall-readers mounted on it. With the Near Detection Mode enabled they don’t need to take their credential out of their pockets every time they have to enter. The Wall-reader radius is reduced to avoid interference with the other mounted locks.
For you to use the Near Detection Mode you have to manually enable the functionality in the web app.
From the web app you go to the ‘Locks’ tab on the top of the screen. Then go to ‘Settings’. Here you can enable the Near Detection Mode. Be aware you need to be a Site admin to enable the Near Detection Mode. Contact your Site admin for the right permission if you can’t enable the Near Detection Mode.
To enable the Near Detection Mode you need at least IQ version 2.3.X
What is the Pod BETA phase?
Due to the global and unforeseen circumstances of the COVID-19 lockdown, we understand some of our customers might need some more time to test the Pod feature without having to worry about the expiration date. Therefore we have decided to implement an extended Pod BETA phase until late 2021, after which the feature may be purchased. This is to enable you to fully experience the benefits of the Pod functionality which helps you to keep an overview of your buildings’ operations and facilitates you to outsource access control management to your tenants.
Why is SALTO KS offering an extended BETA period for the Pod feature?
The exact reason for this extended BETA period is the unfortunate events of COVID-19. We at SALTO KS believe that it’s important that we do our best to reduce the impact of these events on our users’ experience. We hope this allows you more time to fully experience the functionality and discover how the feature can be beneficial for your business.
What happens if I am already making use of the Pod feature?
In the case you are already using the Pod feature, this extended BETA period is not going to affect you in any way.
What will happen to current Pods, Pod members and Pod guests after the BETA period ends?
As being part of the BETA period, you will keep using your existing Pod structure for free but there will be several limitations regarding expanding it. Details regarding limitations will be communicated in a timely manner before the BETA period ends.
Will I be contacted when I am nearing the end of the BETA period?
You will be notified before your BETA period ends, allowing you some time to decide whether you would like to purchase the Pod functionality or not.
How can I purchase the Pod functionality when the BETA period ends?
If you decide you would like to purchase the Pod functionality, you can contact your local SALTO KS dealer who will provide you with a new voucher that enables the Pod feature in your system.
If you, for instance, own a (boutique) hotel you are able to level up your guest experience and monetize your business by using the Check-in and Check-out feature. By preselecting the preferred Check-in and Check-out date and time you let your guests bypass the front desk which will save your guests and your employees/you a lot of time. Your guests are able to walk in and out of their room according to the timeframe they booked. Turn on this functionality in the web app.
Read more about this feature on the blog.
The Pod summary consists of multiple characteristics the Site admin can search on such as: Pod name, amount of Pod members, amount of locks, amount of invited and active Pod guests. By clicking on one of these Pod characteristics the Site admin will land on the Pod detail page. On this page several details are shown, and actions can be taken here such as: Block or unblock guests, edit locks, renaming or even deleting a Pod. All these actions are taken from the In the SALTO KS web app.
By using the mobile app for iOS or Android a Pod member can invite, block or delete guests. The individual rights per guest are shown in the guest overview. Rights such as: Digital Key, full access, which locks and when access is granted.
Furthermore, you can manage your guests individually per user by navigating to the People page.
Here, you can see which users are guests, and when you tap on the user’s details page, you will find a new section called ‘Pod guest access’.
This section displays the details of the access that will be provided to your guest, including the Pod’s locks and timeframes for the selected Pod and user which can be viewed and modified according to your wishes.
Please reach out to our support team to help you with this issue.
In the top menu under ‘Pods’ on the web app you can find your Pod members & guests overview page. On the left side you can select ‘members’ which will provide you with an overview of your Pod members and guests.
On the main navigation menu there’s a dedicated Pod page on which you can select the option to ‘Create a new Pod’. The Pod has to have at least one Pod member. The Site admin can create a Pod member by entering the name and e-mail address and if needed add more Pod members. The Site admin can select locks to which the Pod member has access to such as the front gate, apartment 201 and the storage room. All Pod members automatically have Digital Key and remote opening rights.
The Pod summary consists of multiple characteristics the Site admin can search on such as: Pod name, amount of Pod members, amount of locks, amount of invited and active Pod guests. By clicking on one of these Pod characteristics the Site admin will land on the Pod detail page. On this page several details are shown, and actions can be taken here such as: Block or unblock guests, edit locks, renaming or even deleting a Pod. All these actions are taken from the web app.
Pod members can only be invited through the web app. This action is only permitted to the Site owner/admins.
Pod members are able to invite their guest(s) through the mobile app for iOS or Android by going into the ‘People’ tab and clicking the "invite a guest" button. Pod members can define the access rules of their guests.
Guests can have the same access rules as Pod members when the Pod member assigns full access to them. Guests access can also be limited in terms of which locks they have access to and/or the timeframe.
Guests can only be invited through e-mail and are only allowed to use Digital key. It is possible to assign a Tag to a guest, but only. Site owners/admin are allowed to make this action.
Whenever your tenant checks-out, you as a Site owner can clean the Pod. This action will only remove the guests and Pod members but leave the locks in place.
The Pod functionality enables building managers (Site owner/admins) to create a small independent group of members: Pod. A Pod can be a floor within a building such as an apartment or an office that’s managed by its Pod members (tenants) that have access to the Pod and can invite guests to the Pod for specific timeframes.
By implementing this new feature, we aim to offload the responsibility of managing access for tenants and (their) guests by building managers and provide tenants the unique experience of managing access to their own space.
Only a Site admin can create a Pod. On the main navigation menu, there’s a dedicated POD page on which you can select the option to ‘Create a new Pod’. The Pod has to have at least one Pod member. The Site admin can create a Pod member by entering the name and e-mail address and if needed add more Pod members.
The Site admin can select locks to which the Pod member has access to such as the front gate, apartment 201 and the storage room. All Pod members automatically have Read more about this feature on the Digital Key rights. This means they are able to open the Pods doors, by tapping their phone to the lock or opening the door from a distance, even if they are located on the other side of the globe! All these actions are taken from the web app.
The XS4 Locker Lock BLE provides high-level security to a wide range of lockers, cupboards, cabinets, boxes, etc. The XS4 Locker Lock solution enables guests and staff members to control these devices with their smartphones.
The SALTO BLUEnet Wireless engine allows the operator to monitor live access control events and provides the ability to unlock the locker lock, change the opening mode, monitor live door status, or change physical access rules in the access plan—all wirelessly and in real-time. This technology can, therefore, be optimized by coworking and coliving spaces, hotels, and building management in general, to ensure guest satisfaction.
Security, hygiene, and cleanliness are a crucial element in the maintenance of locker room spaces. A locking thumb turn of the XS4 Locker Lock makes for easy use—even with wet hands. The outer thumb turn, with a red and green indicator for the availability of the locker, has an electronically-managed release. Ready-to-install into pre-existing doors, the XS4 Locker Lock BLE is designed to be the ideal product for the replacement locker lock and can be used to quickly secure any pre-existing cabinet.
The battery pack, electronic components and locking mechanism are all located on the inside of the door, safe from potential vandalism or attempt at a break-in.
The XS4 Locker BLE comes standard with BioCote® Antimicrobial Technology that can reduce bacteria and viruses by up to 99.99%. This is especially crucial as Locker-room environments are often more susceptible to contamination.
The XS4 Locker Lock offers the following features:
Monitor online the status of the locker.
Monitor online the battery status.
Know if the locker was opened (with card presented).
Open the locker remotely.
Perform an emergency opening.
The SALTO XS4 Locker BLE gives operators complete control and offers specific and configurable opening modes for users that include:
Fixed assignment locker: A specific user or user assigned digital key operates a specific locker lock.
Family option: Multiple users to operate a single locker.
The SALTO MyLock online configuration tool—which allows users to select and preview potential door configurations for access control projects prior to purchase—has added the new XS4 Locker Lock BLE to the platform.
MyLock users can now visualize their next access control project that requires real-time wireless protection for areas like locker rooms, dressing areas, and cabinets.
With the multiple types of lock options available in SALTO KS, great security and flexibility can be offered for any Site. The lock options are implemented in Office Mode(s) which are the following:
1. Office Mode
This is a continuous state in which the lock stays unlocked. While the door is in Office Mode, anyone may enter without the need to present a Tag. That is why it is referred to as “free entry”. If you have a business and you want the doors to stay open to the public during certain hours, the easiest way to do so is to put access into Office Mode (free entry). Then, when your business day has ended, exit Office Mode.
There are two ways to achieve this:
1a. Manual Office Mode (MOM)*
Manual Office Mode (MOM) offers the ability to (dis)engage Office Mode on an escutcheon by simply presenting a valid SALTO KS Tag while holding the inside handle on RFnet locks, or by presenting the tag for more than 5 seconds on a BLUEnet lock. Any type of lock can also be put in Manual Office Mode via the Web or Mobile App.
A person with Manual Office Mode rights can manually engage Manual Office Mode on every lock in a Site according to the access groups this person is in. The lock will stay in Office Mode until a User with the right role/permissions locks it again.
1b. Easy Office Mode (EOM)*
In this mode too, the lock stays unlocked, but now it is combined with a set schedule. This schedule allows for selected people to put it in Office Mode, at selected times, using their Tag. During the time the schedule is active, presenting a Tag will put a lock either in or out of Office Mode. Outside the schedule, presenting the Tag will result in a regular, temporary Tag-opening. When a lock is in Easy Office Mode and the timeframe ends, it will lock itself automatically.
This feature is useful for granting easy access, requiring no remote action to set the lock in Office Mode.
2. Override Privacy Mode
SALTO has released a special version of the XS4 lock that provides a Privacy function. This function allows a person to physically lock a door from the inside which then cannot be opened using a Tag, Digital Key or Remote Opening, even though a user might normally be authorised to do so.
Only the Site Owner and Site Admins can enable the Override Privacy Mode for each user.
Once the Site Owner or Admin enables this, the users would be able to open the lock with a Tag or their Digital Key even if the lock is in Privacy Mode.
If the Site Owner or Admin wants to, they could give the Override Privacy Mode option to a user only for an emergency situation and for a short time, and then after the user managed to open the lock, he could simply remove the option again.
*These modes require settings per lock/user via the Web App.
Keyless entry is a way of entry without the use of traditional mechanical keys or mechanical locks. Digital Key, Remote Opening, and PIN all provide keyless entries. The following is an overview of these ways of opening:
1. Digital Key
A Digital Key is the virtual equivalent of a Tag, enabling your phone to unlock a SALTO lock. With a single download of the SALTO KS Mobile App on a registered and verified smartphone, your guests can gain access to doors by means of Digital Key.
Using Bluetooth technology, your phone transmits a digital key directly to the lock. The smartphone and wireless Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) lock pair and the lock is opened via BLE. This way you can use your smartphone as a Tag, opening the lock without relying on an active internet connection; which makes Digital Key as secure as using a physical Tag.
Users can receive Digital Keys anytime and anywhere, making issuing and receiving access rights much easier and more flexible.
2. Remote Opening
This way of opening enables you to open doors from any distance and SALTO KS makes it possible for you to open doors from anywhere, at any time. For instance, you may have a visitor or new employee who has arrived earlier than you without a Tag. With the Remote Opening, this problem is erased and letting in guests, tenants or visitors is now more convenient than ever.
You can unlock doors remotely with this functionality from anywhere around the world. Opening doors with Remote Opening may be done from your account on the Web App or the Mobile App on your smartphone device.
To make use of Remote Opening on a Web App, you require the Code. The Code is a security feature of SALTO KS, comparable to those used for online banking. It is a 5 character encrypted code that is temporarily valid and only shared by your Mobile App and IQ. This code ensures control over critical IQ related features.
To make use of remote opening on a Mobile App, you require the PIN. All you need to do is swipe the lock on your screen for the action to appear. Upon selecting the action you will be asked to verify either by PIN, or TouchID/FaceID.
3. PIN
With the SALTO PIN Locks, there is no need to carry any Tags or even mechanical keys for that matter. Just enter your PIN code via the keypad to unlock.
The PIN is linked with a user, and the user can only have one PIN per time, if this is forgotten, then it is not possible to recover the PIN, but only possible to generate a new one. The PIN code consists of a 6 digit number.
You may also generate and assign a secure and authentic PIN code for your guests to grant them entrance.
This keyless entry provides a high level of enhanced security as well as convenience.
If you, for instance, own a (boutique) hotel you are able to level up your guest experience and monetize your business by using the Check-in and Check-out feature. By preselecting the preferred Check-in and Check-out date and time you let your guests bypass the front desk which will save your guests and your employees/you a lot of time. Your guests are able to walk in and out of their room according to the timeframe they booked. Turn on this functionality in the web app.
Read more about this feature on the blog.
Long- and short-term rentals can now define a check-in and check-out date and time for their guests. To give a real-life example; When you own a short stay apartment company. Your guests will arrive on 29/10/2019 at 17:00 and leave on 05/11/2019 at 13:00 and you want to give them access for this specific timeframe. Just select the ‘Check-in Check-out’ timeframe option.
Read more about this feature on the blog.